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A Journey into Istanbul's History with Faik Pasha Hotels

Guests 1
Ages 18+
Ages 4 - 18
Ages 18+
Ages 4 - 18

Faik Pasha Hotel's Rooms


As one of the Small Hotels Beyoglu, our wish for our guest is to go around Istanbul as free as a tourist and as comfortable as a local.

Faik Pasha Apartments is a Taksim Design Hotel, situated in Çukurcuma.As a foreigner in Beyoğlu, while walking down from Taksim to Cukurcuma, behind the new buildings of Taksim and Cihangir, you can easily reach down to Çukurcuma by walk and realize the changing of the atmosphere from modern to ancient. Beyoglu was the first practice of western city planning (1857) of The Ottoman Empire. As the Ottoman Empire Citizens; Levantines, Armenians Greeks and Muslims lived together in Faik Pasha Street. Faik Pasha Hotels Beyoglu Suites Apartments is one of the authentic Historical Hotel Beyoglu; The ancient buildings of Faik Pasha Suites were completely restored (2013), designed according to the original constructing techniques and former residents lifestyle.
The idea of Faik Pasha Suites belongs to the owner Ms Meral Kalav Demir. She dreamed a Historical Accommodation with modern facilities with an authentic old Pera atmosphere. During the restoration period of our Levantine Buildings which took more than 3 years, the original structure was kept.

The interior design and the Antique concept were planned to respect the original. Because of the Legal protection of Historical Beyoglu Buildings, guests can experience the old lifestyle and atmosphere in the cosy suites and ornamented stairs. The buildings of Faik Pasha Design Suites were constructed in XVII Century for Italian and Greek owners and this period’s Art Nouveau paintings, antique furniture, hand made rugs are used for the interior design of each suite. There are more than 500 original paintings in the Faik Pasha rooms and common areas which have been collected during the last 25 years by the owner Meral Kalav Demir.

Our Beyoglu District houses major film, theatre, classical music and jazz festivals and Faik Pasha Suites-Cukurcuma team will help you with the reservations and tickets.Faik Pasha Beyoglu Boutique Hotels invites its guests to explore the historical and modern Istanbul and also provides a quıet, Classique atmosphere in Faik Pasha Cihangir Cafe for dinning and for a coffee.Our guests could notice the Traditional Turkish Hospitality and the created homey, cosy atmosphere during their stay in this Istanbul Beyoglu Design Hotel in Faik Pasha Street

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“Elegance of the Past
Today’s Comfort

Everything You Need in a Boutique Hotel

Numerous services to ensure your relaxation and comfort..

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Restaurant & Cafe

Faik Pasha Hotel offers a restaurant full of local delicacies and a peaceful cafe

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Start your day with a rich and pleasant breakfast at Faik Pasha Hotel.

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Meeting Room

Faik Pasha Hotel offers a modern meeting room for your business meetings.

beyogludesignhotel , beyogluhotels, faikpashacukurcuma, beyogluhammam faikpashahotels, Beyogludizaynotel, cukurcumaotel, beyogluhotels, istanbuldizaynhotels, istanbulsmallhotels, küçükotellertürkiye, smallhotelstürkiye, beyogluhistoricalhotel, beyogluhistoricalbuildings, beyogluarthotel, beyogludesinghotels
Turkish Hammam & Spa

Faik Pasha Hotel offers a relaxing hammam and spa experience. Relax and find freshness.

Beyogludizaynotel, cukurcumaotel, beyogluhotels, istanbuldizaynhotels, istanbulsmallhotels, küçükotellertürkiye, smallhotelstürkiye, beyogluhistoricalhotel, beyogluhistoricalbuildings, beyogluarthotel, beyogludesinghotels

*You can view the room details.


Special Direct Reservation Discounts from the Reception

Enjoy the Luxury Experience at Faik Pasha Hotels.

Everything you need.

Enjoy athe Unique Location of Faik Pasha Hotels Cukurcuma Beyoglu

Unique historical experiences on the streets of Istanbul that keep the past alive.

Galata Tower

Taksim Square



Book Your Stay
Guests 1
Ages 18+
Ages 4 - 18